Thursday, September 4, 2008

Live from the RNC

With the Republican National Convention wrapping up here in the Twin Cities, I'm a bit sad I didn't have a chance to drive up to St. Paul to see the circus. I know I would be adding to the traffic jam downtown and adding to the stress on the already fragile psyches of Ramsey County employees, but it's human nature to want to see a big group of people in one place. Nothing attracts a crowd like a crowd.
I've lived the convention vicariously through the media, just as I lived the Democratic National Convention through the media last week. So I had to leave you with one last, final quote from Minnesota Public Radio to wrap up the last day of the convention. When a reporter was interviewing a young, college-age Republican, he asked her what she thought of the events affecting the RNC this week, such as the announcement of soon-to-be-a-grandmother vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palen and the impact of hurricane Gustav. This young lady summed it all up so succinctly. She said, "Look, we've got a hurricane, we've got a baby, we've got a lot of exciting stuff." This week the Republicans really did have a lot of exciting stuff going on right here in St. Paul. This was truly a historic week for the Twin Cities.

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