Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Tuna: A Love Story

"MIT scientists built a robot tuna in an attempt to replicate the incredibly efficient swimming performance of the living fish. They failed." - Richard Ellis, from Tuna: A Love Story

Richard Ellis' latest book Tuna: A Love Story is packed with information about giant warm-blooded tuna. They swim across the entire Atlantic ocean, dive to incredible icy depths and chow on all kinds of other fish. In Australia there is a tuna ranch, where in March the first successful breeding of bluefin tuna in captivity took place. I can't even picture what a tuna ranch might look like, with massive tuna free-roaming (or free-finning, perhaps) across the watery plains.
Ellis is not only a tuna investigator, he's also a marine artist and giant squid chaser. Check out this interview with him from a 2002 issue of The Octopus News Magazine Online.

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