Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Real Initech

I remember the first time I saw Office Space like it was yesterday. It was Friday night at the $2 theater. The place was packed with middle school students and the well-worn seats exuded the aroma of gym socks. My buddies and I piled into the second row.
I'm sure you probably have seen the movie, if not, then you're a lucky person who doesn't work in a cubicle. When this movie debuted in theaters I'd been a full-time cubicle dweller at a medium size company for a couple of years. My building had a disturbing metal modern art sculpture on the front lawn, much like the one in front of the fictitious Initech corporate headquarters in the movie.
The theater was silent during the movie. The audience was overwhelmingly too young to be legally chained to a cubicle every day. I don't think they got the movie's humor. Or perhaps they were just sobered by this glimpse into their possible career futures.
In contrast, I was laughing do hard I choked on a Junior Mint. None of my friends found Office Space the least bit funny. They were still in college, far removed from the monotonous life of the IT professional. My pals kept nudging me to shut up. Fourteen year-olds were turning around in their seats and craning their necks to stare, but I couldn't hold it in.
Pretty soon I was snorting and huffing as I tried to keep it down. I had to lean forward to catch my breath during the infamous printer beat-down scene. I dream of one day taking a color inkjet out to a remote, densely wooded area, and damaging it in unspeakable ways. After the show, one of my friends said she was worried I was hyperventilating during the printer scene.
Tonight, during a web search for Office Space related products, I stumbled across the real Initech, a Wisconsin-based IT consulting firm. For years now, IT professionals have been quietly joking they work at the Initech company from Office Space. Now we might get the chance to actually work for Initech, LLC. Their motto is, "get IT together, get IT right, and get IT done." How often do you want to just shout at your IT guy- "Just get it done"? Apparently Initech understands your frustration and is prepared to provide you with IT professionals who "concentrate first on hearing your concerns". Perhaps concerns about the missing covers on your TPS reports or a printer that flashes "PC Load Letter" and refuses to print. You can have anything for a price, apparently even an IT guy who listens to you.

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