Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Finally Done

Last week was finals. The lead up to that week is always a bleary haze of paper-writing and PowerPoint presentations, especially since it never fails that finals week always falls at the same time as overtime does for work. I was eating out of the desk drawer all week, just fishing out a dehydrated mac'n'cheese pouch or cup of soup for breakfast, lunch and sometimes dinner. Some days I remembered to bring a V8 or an orange so this time around I avoided getting scurvy.
As if finals week wasn't exciting enough, I decided to put my house up for sale the weekend before exams. Many of you know how much I love Farmington, and how this was a difficult decision for me, fraught with emotion about my home town. I've signed a contingent purchase agreement on a place in the city. So if a buyer likes my house, I'll be moving north of the river, if not, I'll stay cozily ensconced in the warmth of my neighbors and friends in my favorite small town.
In this market it might be a long shot that a buyer will appear, but then again, my house has new bathroom fixtures and really nice closed loop variegated carpet in the living room and dining room. Plus there's the neutral decor and beautiful view of the pond. I'll let fate decide where I'll be living next year. Sometimes you just need to instigate a change, find out where another path might lead. As Robert Frost wrote, "I took the road less travelled by, and that has made all the difference". I've brought myself to a point where two roads diverge, and I'm ready to discover which fork I'll take. I'll discover if I'm not just finally done with finals, but perhaps, done with Farmington as well.