Sunday, February 8, 2009

Chilling with Coldplay

Right now I"m watching an interview of Coldplay on 60 Minutes. Why did CBS bother flying in Coldplay from London just to appear on 60 Minutes? My 94 year-old grandma loves 60 Minutes. She likes the crabby rants of Andy Rooney and so do I. I think the target audience of 60 Minutes is probably not interested in Coldplay. They probably do not own iPods and are irritated when their grandchildren refuse to listen to them due to the white wires dangling out of the kids' ears. The whole 60 Minutes audience probably just collectively clapped off the TV using the Clapper and shuffled into the kitchen for a cup of Sanka. (Just like I'm tempted to do.)
I can't criticize Coldplay's music directly because I've never purposely listened to it. But I think it's a bad sign when one of the first sentences out of the lead singer's mouth is, "We rely more on enthusiasm than actual skill."

Then they cut to a few scenes of the lead singer jumping around on stage and using a white board to scribble lyrics. One of my former supervisors advised me to learn how to use the white board more in order to earn a promotion. He would have loved the lead singer of Coldplay.

I'm pretty sure Coldplay isn't a band I'd be interested in. Based on the one comment below from the CBS interviewer, I'm afraid Coldplay might get trampled in a mosh pit.

"You won't catch this band in tight leather pants or snorting drugs off the
back of a stripper."

The Boston Herald published an article with one of the interview quotes I used above. I felt I should include this reference so noone thought I was making this up just to slander the hapless Coldplay.

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