Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Live from the Coffee Shop

The dreaded week of mid-terms has arrived. Last weekend I spent many hours in the coffee shop. If I try studying at home, I end up with a cat insistently kneading my lap as I try to read the text. On Sunday I opened my Data Communications book at Dunn Brothers and a snowfall of cat hairs fell from between the pages, slowly drifting towards the floor of the spotless coffee shop. I thought I left the kitty at home, but as usual, a little bit of her was still with me.
The Dunn Brothers piped in music was entirely from the '80's. I felt like I was trapped in a John Hughes movie. Electronic keyboard notes and guys singing in fake British accents washed over me. I imagined I was in the movie the Breakfast Club and that any moment Bender would drop by to hang out. Bender is the guy with the long hair and the flannel shirt (played by actor Judd Nelson). I've always thought it would be cool to hang out with him, if he really existed. He looks like he'd probably listen to Metallica.
Of course, an afternoon in the coffee shop is never that exciting. Eventually I finished my studying and left behind the '80s soundtrack, walking out into the warm sunshine in my shirtsleeves.

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