Thursday, April 2, 2009

Live from CTIA Vegas

I'm blogging live from the CTIA cell phone convention in Vegas today and tomorrow. My neighbor, a former professional security guard and all-around tough guy, is watching the house and Perro the pup is visiting his grandma and grandpa Lebens while I am away from Farmington. I don't actually have tickets to get onto the convention floor, so I am reporting on all of the activity in the hotel lobby while Mickey Papillon and Joey Koppes, the real cell phone junkies, report from the convention floor. (Click the Cell Phone Junkie link in the buddy blogs list on the right to see their CTIA updates and to follow their Twitter streams.) Right now they're attending the key note address and continental breakfast while I am gnawing on a left-over roll from last nights dinner. I think it might be time to hit the gym. Keep tuned for more riveting live coverage of CTIA! I heard a rumor there is a Palm Pre floating around here somewhere.

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