Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Minnesota: Your Next Eco-Adventure Vacation

I came across a stunning Minnesota reference in David Brooks' "Bobos in Paradise":
. . . today's educated executives thrill and then eventually bore you with their high-altitude conquests. . . . In the midst of such soliloquies I used to wonder why these North Face Folks didn't just take their two-week winter vacation and go to Minnesota to join a road crew. If they wanted brutal conditions, a tough challenge, and team camaraderie, at least in Minnesota they could have filled in a few potholes and had something to show for their misery.

Mr. Brooks, I completely agree. Why climb a mountain when you can achieve frostbite here in Minnesota? I have a few grey bits of flesh on my toes to brag about. Although those are do to a completely pedestrian story about a broken car heater, when I embellish it a bit, it's nearly as captivating as any executive's story about their latest eco-adventure.

Brooks, David. 2000. Bobos in Paradise: The New Upper Class and How They Got There. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster. pp.210-211.

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