Thursday, June 25, 2009

Sandwich Artist Feeds Starving Programmer

Simplify, Simplify. Instead of three meals a day, if necessary, let it be one. - Henry David Thoreau, Walden, p. 56

I thoroughly enjoy the Veggie Delite sandwich from Subway. Not so much for the content or quality of the food, but for the cheery demeanor of my favorite sandwich artists. I used to work near a Subway where all the employees had tattoos on their neck and scowls on their faces. After being chastised for requesting a glass of water with my sandwich, I was a little intimidated and loathe to return.
Now I work near a Subway with downright fabulous employees. The manager greets me by name every time he sees me. My favorite sandwich artist always gives me extra jalapenos. I don't even have to ask. No one there has ever given me a hard time for asking for a glass of water. The other day the credit card machine was down, and I didn't have cash, so my sandwich artist just let me pay him back for my Veggie Delite today. He looked surprised I remembered and gave me a discount as a thank you.
After a rough morning at work, just having someone cheerfully help with with my sandwich makes my day. The simple pleasures in life are the sweetest. If I had to pick a favorite all-time meal, it would be a Veggie Delite prepared by a cheery sandwich artist.

1 comment:

  1. I hate when they dont change their gloves all the time :(
    They do have good deals all the time when you buy one you get one free etc..

    Have an awesome time tonight and sorry we couldn't join you :(
