Friday, July 3, 2009

Information Privacy

I struggle with the issue of information privacy. One of my pals finally goaded me into joining Facebook. I think I have it locked entirely down so only friends can see my profile, but there are so many settings I am not entirely sure. It is still a bit creepy for me as I feel it inherently provides some false sense of privacy that may lead to over-sharing of information.

I view the blog is something entirely different. I have no expectation of privacy. Here I have 100% control over what I write and zero percent control over who sees it, just like my newspaper column. And strangely, there is rarely ever been a negative comment. One person objected anonymously to a post where I wrote about liking the KQ92 morning show four years ago. Another person objected to a post where I said I loved my '93 Ford Festiva the summer before last. That's OK, a lot of people find the KQ morning show and Festivas objectionable.

I fastidiously avoid posting about religion, politics, work or anything racy. One thing I worried about when starting the blog was whether some stalker would find it or some weirdo would start sending me creepy emails. Neither has occurred in the past five years, so I suppose that was an unfounded fear. Perhaps my fears of Facebook (or SpaceFace as my hubby likes to call it) are completely unfounded as well. What are your thoughts? How private is your Internet information?

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