Saturday, July 25, 2009

Unlocking the Secret of Keywords

About once a month I check out the Google Analytics reports for my blog. My favorite report is the list of keywords which led people to the blog. Recently the keywords "Vince Neil pantyhose" led a new reader to the blog. I know exactly what the person was searching for - the 1992 "You're Invited (But Your Friend Can't Come)" video in which Vince walks out on stage clad in an oversize blouse, pantyhose, and a headband. After strutting out in this fashion mistake, Vince won't allow Pauly Shore into the concert because Pauly's not cool enough for him! Usually I embed referenced videos, but the vision of Vince in pantyhose is so off-putting I didn't want to force readers to see it. If you have a strong stomach, the video is available on YouTube.

Other interesting keywords which have recently brought people to the blog:
  • Iguana tail amputations
  • Farmington Steakhouse
  • Is Initech Real?
  • Ozzy Osbourne track pants
  • Old style console television
  • Slipknot's lead signer's new mask
People are definitely searching for information on heavy metal fashion, from pantyhose to track pants to masks, and I'm glad to provide it for them.

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