Sunday, August 16, 2009

High Heel Hijinks Part II

Yesterday I made it through an entire shoe shopping trip without a meltdown and with a pair of conservative heels in tow at the end of the day. I really wanted a pair of black Airwalks with a skull emblazoned on the side, which compared to the heels would have been more functional for daily activities such as walking the dog and rearranging the sprinklers on the lawn. Who made this unwritten rule you can't wear a pair of skully sneakers to a wedding?
Then tonight I located the original missing pair of high heels at home that I rushed to replace yesterday. Now I own two pairs of sensible heels and zero pairs of skull sneakers. Maybe I can use fabric paint to decorate one of the pairs of heels with cute little skulls.

Dream Shoe - $19.99 at Payless

Actual Shoe Purchased - $44 at Schuler Shoes

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