Saturday, September 3, 2005

Live from the Minnesota State Fair!

I'm here live at the Minnesota State Fair, blogging at the Technology building. I ate a grilled cheese sandwich, popcorn, root beer and Swedish egg coffee so far. I had a chance to see the biggest boar at the Fair (no, not Mike Hatch, he's the biggest bore! I saw the biggest pig here in the swine building.) I haven't had the chance to wear a pickle hat yet, but I'm sporting a new 93X crew sweatshirt. I visited the Box that Rocks, the 93X booth, as soon as I got here. They other fair-goers aren't exactly swarming to use the internet. You would think there would be a line behind me by now, but the computers are not as popular as the amazing bow maker demonstration in the Merchandise Mart, or the cheese-on-a-stick. Come out to the Minnesota Get-Together! I'm going off to look for the pickle hat.


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