Friday, June 23, 2006

Rambling River Days

I'm pretty excited. Tonight is the "Midsommar" Fest at IKEA. I'm going to see some native Swedish dancing and check out the giant garage sale in the parking garage. Traditionally Swedes wear floral wreaths to celebrate "Midsommar", so tonight I'm making a floral wreath for Perro to wear around his collar. I'm not going to tell him that traditionally Swedish women wear these wreaths. I don't want him to get all macho and refuse to wear it.
I considered making floral wreaths for the cats, since they're girls, but they've been really cranky with me lately. I'm using a British product called the "Cat Mate" that distributes their food at timed intervals during the day. They're beating up the Cat Mate. They keep kicking it across the laundry room and tearing the little bowls out of the base unit. However, using the Cat Mate to distribute small amounts of food is helping Beaner finally recover from bulemia. She no longer binges at the bowl and then purges on the carpet. Preventing her binges is really important to me. She just doesn't understand that I'm trying to help her help herself. She's always been so independent. I guess she's a typical cat.

"Midsommar" fest is not the only agenda item on my Franklin Planner pages for this weekend. This weekend is Rambling River Days in Farmington (formerly Dew Days). For those of you that subscribe to the Farmington Independent, you can skip the rest of this post. If you read yesterday's column, then you've already seen my ramblings about the upcoming festival. If not, read on.
Tomorrow is the Kiss the Pig contest! I look forward to seeing the cute little piglet. Sunday is the Grand Parade. It's really called the "Grand Parade", although grand might be a bit of an overstatement. I was in the parade a few years ago, walking for the Ladies Workout Express, which is now out of business. The owner gave me a gift certificate to the Ugly Mug as a thank-you for representing the workout center in the parade. Of course, I blew it on one of the Ugly Mug's incredible tuna melts. Then I had to go workout to use up the tuna melt energy. This year the KQ van is rolling in the Grand Parade, so I'm glad I'll be on the sidelines. I'm hoping to catch a bumper sticker or get a chance to wave at Mike Gelfand. Gelfand rocks!

Come out and join me at the Rambling River Days!

Rambling River Days Schedule

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