Sunday, June 25, 2006

Which Star Trek Character are You?

A few years ago, I re-took the Myers-Briggs test. I scored the same as I did the first time I took it in 7th grade. Generally, I think personality tests are hokey, and about as useful as fortune cookie advice. But if I like the results of the test, I'll use it anyway. If I like a fortune, I tape it to my monitor. (I currently have a fortune taped up that says "You are capable, competent, creative, careful. Prove it." I'll take a compliment any way it comes. Even if the method of delivery is random.)
Right now, I love my Myers-Briggs test results. I discovered a site that describes which Star Trek: The Next Generation characters share my personality type. I'm sure you are dying to find out my characters, but more importantly, I'm dying to find out other peoples' characters. So if you know your Myers-Briggs type, please comment!

Here is my personality type description:
iNTj: Mastermind
You share a basic personality configuration with Jean-Luc Picard and Seven of Nine.

People like you are generally autonomous, aloof, and intellectual. You sometimes give the impression you have no need of others, but you're intensely curious and driven to learn. You're cautious with others socially and respond best to people who don't push you to be friendly or affectionate. You appreciate when others follow your lead and accept your criticism in the helpful spirit in which it is intended. You're calm by nature and feel off-balance when confronted by highly emotional people.

You're highly organized and expect the same of others. You analyze automatically and enjoy seeing patterns and trends. When your mind is made up, that's it, which means that while you're definitive and strong, you can be stubborn and arrogant.

You respond best to other people's needs when they tell you about them clearly. You value honesty greatly. You prize people who listen to you and respect your ideals. You are somewhat contemptuous of those who don't pay attention to what you say.

You're a conservative dresser, but you have a unique and personal style.

Your primary goal in life is achieving independence and being able to live according to your own standards. Your reward is continual expansion of your competence and knowledge.

Good careers for your type include being a starship captain, intellectual property attorney, news analyst, design engineer, software developer, inventor, Webmaster, architect, and ex-Borg.
The description is taken from:


  1. I took an online Myers-Briggs test, I am not sure how accurate it is, it told me I am an, INTP. That is like Wesley or Odo.


  2. When I was in college, I had the exact same MB: INTJ (Mastermind). As I got older and became a Dad, it changed to INFJ (Protector), the rarest of all MB types.

    The change came about as I realized that the final truth is that there is no final truth. That the meaning we bring to the cosmos comes from within, not from without. We are not angels or demons: we are both, sometimes even both at once. Like Sting said: we are spirits in a material world. It took the little hands and little brown eyes of my girl (who is all grown up now) to teach me that. She is so different from me, and yet she and I have been brought together through all time and space for some strange reason, I am certain.

  3. Colonel Nikolai - Beautiful comment.

    Nate - You should check out Wil Wheaton's blog. It's nifty.

  4. Oh, I am very familiar with Wil's blog.
