Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Festiva Takes a Trip to Iran

I discovered that an Iranian company is still producing the Kia Pride, also known as the Ford Festiva. The Saipa Group produces a car called the "Nasim", which they refer to as the Pride on parts of their website.

The company timeline shows this:
2003 Production of near 600000 Pride up to now

Does this mean there are 600,000 Festivas/Prides/Nasims scooting around Iran? How exciting! I'm not sure if you can import a car from Iran, but I bet you can guess I'm thinking about it.

The Nasim

Although Kia no longer manufactures the Pride, I have the original Pride specs. I printed them out from the website while the Pride was still in production. The Nasim appears to match the specs for the four-door version of the Pride. Could there be brand-new Festivas tooling around Iran? I can only dream.

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    My Name is Vahid. I am in Iran and here is a little information about Nasim. First of all every one in Iran know this car as Pride no one said Nasim,Saba or anything else. Nasim is only an official name that never used by Iranian People. Every year they (Saipa) produce about 700,000 Pride in Iran and when you are walking in downtown of major city every 4 of 10 cars are Pride. Wow it’s incredible. Isn’t it?
    I will send you some pictures and you can saw by your eyes.
    Saipa group produce 3 version of this car. The first version is same as Ford Festiva but with 4 doors. The second version is same as first version but its not hatchback. And the last version is same as second one with small changes in front and back hood and lights.

    The price range for all three versions are about $9,000 I know its too much for such a car but Car business in Iran is fully governmental and controlled so they can sell cars about 4 times higher price or even more.
    I noticed that you will marry in less than a month so I congratulate you. I wish you happy long life.

