Wednesday, July 12, 2006

A New Addition to the Family!

I'm proud to announce there has been a new addition to the Farmington branch of the Lebens family.

Our New Arrival: Honda Del Sol
Born: 1993
Weight: 2,301 lbs.
Length: 157"
Arrived: June 10, 2006

A few of you might remember that I made a mysterious post about a new makeover story back in June. When I brought this little guy home, he had a few issues with his appearance. I knew the Del Sol would really appreciate a makeover. But this makeover involves more than just a facial. This makeover involves glass replacement, rust removal, painting and gluing a jigsaw of broken plastic pieces together. At this point, the makeover is only partially finished. I'm still searching for a few replacement parts. Very soon though, it'll be time for another edition of A Makeover Story, Mary-style.


  1. Joey mentioned this a while back when I talked to him. Congrats on the new toy. Will you be Auto-Xing it?

  2. This little car might be a bit too precious for Autocross.
