Monday, November 6, 2006

Bad Grammer on the Loose

I discovered my Oct. 29 post contained the phrase "this skills". Yikes! How embarrassing. I decided to just admit this grammatical error up front, and let you know that since it was 2 AM, I did not bother to proofread that post before clicking the "Publish" button.
The worst part of this error is I was tooting my own horn about being an English major in the text of the post. I love to brag about my dual status as a liberal arts and technical student. I'm always standing out on the Nicollet Mall at lunchtime shouting, "Look! I'm a technical college graduate who can write a coherent sentence!" and waving copies of my column in the air.
All I can think of is Garrison Keillor's fictional "Partnership of English Majors" and how I would probably have been kicked out of the club for an error as grievious as "this skills". Garrison writes, "If you're an English major, you have many advantages in this world and you ought to use them." From now onward I will go forth to use these skills in English, gracefully, precisely, and with restraint.

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