Monday, June 11, 2007

See You at C.U.

Many of you might know I'm a proud county credit union member, one of the numerous benefits of being a former county employee. I was listening to an episode of the Montel Williams show last week, on my TV H-band radio, and a medium was chatting with guests about spirits she could see standing around them. The medium pulled some nifty party tricks.
One of the guests said she worked in a County Credit Union, and a ghost was hanging around the C.U., bothering the county employees. I almost started cackling. I can't imagine strolling up to the teller, and seeing an ethereal being floating near the change wrapper. I had to choke down the giggles so my office mate wouldn't think I'm nuts.
The medium explained to the C.U. employee that the ghost's name was Martha and she is a spirit who just loves hanging out at the Credit Union, possibly a former C.U. member in life. The C.U. employee was perturbed, and said, "If she loves it so much at the Credit Union, then why does she keep stealing my keys?" The medium said, "It's just to let you know she's there."
I lose my car keys at least twice a month, so often that I keep several spares hidden in the house. Maybe I could blame this on a ghost who loves hanging around my house instead of my bad memory. Of course, my house isn't nearly as nifty as the county credit union. At the C.U., they have an awesome change counter that's free for use by members and their own cookbook for sale, called "C.U. in the Kitchen". My credit union definitely isn't haunted. You should become a member! They opened it up the membership to people living in the county, not just county employees. C.U. at the Credit Union!

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