Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Storage of my Life

A few weeks ago, during a hazy period in between writing my final project paper for school and deploying code at work, I stopped into SuperTarget. I just needed to fill a prescription and return a lampshade. Yup, I bought a new lampshade, and it just didn't work out for the lamp on the nightstand. I wanted to get my $5.99 back. So I dropped off my prescription at the pharmacy, returned the lampshade, and wandered the store, hoping the gal at the pharmacy would page me. My stomach was growling, but the snack bar seemed like an unhealthy dinner choice. The same neon yellow popcorn that graced the snack bar when I was five filled the air with a greasy aroma.
In a fugue-like state, brought on by late nights studying and programming, I wandered into the Target linens section. I decided to buy a sheet to replace the bed skirt on my box spring. I've spent the past year and a half playing tug-of-war with the bed skirt, ever since I bought that sort of new bed frame on clearance in the as-is area of IKEA. (That is a whole story unto itself. A lady tried to steal the bed frame out of my cart on the way to the check out. I'll save that one for another day at the blog.) I plopped a nicely packaged brown sheet into my cart, not too colorful, plenty drab as I like my bedroom decor to be.
I spent another hour and seventeen minutes waiting for the pharmacy person to put my pills into a plastic bottle, but I didn't mind too much. There was another headbanger with a mullet and Megadeth shirt waiting in line with me, so I had a pal to chat with. Maybe I should get bangs. A mullet isn't so bad on a girl, is it? I'd enjoy a hairstyle that was business up front, party in the rear. But I digress.
I finally paid for my prescription, muddled my way through the Target checkout and drove home in a safe manner, despite my school and work induced fatigue. I stripped the old bed skirt from the box spring and carefully snugged the crisp, chocolate colored sheet over it. Unfortunately, now all the stuff I keep under the bed is totally visible from the side. There's my skull-and-bones slippers, my Pokemon basketball and some back issues of Car-and-Driver magazine. I need a new storage solution for these items. It's not like strange people wander into my bedroom all that often, but once in a while I like to host a party and have the guests lay their coats on my bed. I have a hall closet, but my grandma always had guests leave winter wear on the bed, so I carry on this tradition.
Now I have a conundrum. I don't want to host a really nice party with fancy little appetizers, real coffee brewing in the percolator and my Pokemon basketball peeking out from under the bed. I need some under-the-bed storage boxes, pronto. This is the storage of my life.
Perhaps a weekend trip to IKEA is in order. They have plentiful under-bed storage options. They specialize in storage arrangements of all types. Plus, I love their vegetarian version of Pyttipanna, a bland and wholesome Swedish stir-fry. I like to chase a plate of Pyttipanna with a cup of IKEA coffee, which is the best in the world. It tastes like it came from a giant percolator in heaven. Who knows? The storage of my life might just be waiting for me at IKEA.

I hope you enjoy this little video about ALDI milk and cake.
I couldn't find one glorifying the strudel, but this comes quite close.
Enjoy your milch and kuchen. Yummy!

1 comment:

  1. If you still need a lampshade, give me a call. 866-908-1396. I can help you select the perfect shade. David from
