Sunday, November 2, 2008

Smile Panda! You're on Candid Camera!

Last week I finally got to meet Tian-Tian and Mei Xiang in person. They're the giant pandas at the National Zoo in Washington D.C. I've been watching them on the panda cam for a quite a while. (When you click on the panda cam link, scroll down a bit to see the video viewer. The latest panda blog post is above the video.)
The National Zoo has tons of animal cameras, including one of the naked more rats, who live in a giant habi-trail, just like Minneapolis skyway dwellers. If I need to chill out a bit after work and my husband is using the computer with Grand Theft Auto on it, then I check out a few animal cameras on the web. Zoo cams are my number one time-waster on the web. While other people are watching YouTube and playing World of Warcraft in the evening, I'm peeking in on the Tapir at the Minnesota Zoo or the checking on Kaluk the Polar Bear at the San Diego zoo.

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